Although breast augmentation surgery is one of the commonest cosmetic surgery procedures in today's times, very few women know about the kind & variety of options available to them in terms of implant types, sizes & incisions for the procedure.
According to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation has been the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for 3 years in a row & more than 318,000 breast augmentation procedures were done in USA alone, in 2011. Even though these numbers give us
an idea about the awareness regarding the procedure, the fact is that most women are quite ignorant about the finer details that are very important for the success of your surgery.
Breast Implant Types & Sizes:
While it is universally known that Breast implants are of two types, silicone gel implants & saline implants, there are several other very important factors & details that any female considering breast augmentation needs to know. Some of them are-
- Implant surface: The surface of implant is chosen as per individual requirements. Implants with textured surfaces are mainly used to reduce the chance of capsular contraction.
- Implant shape: round or shaped
- Implant placement: Beneath the breast tissue, 'unders' or 'partial unders' or beneath the pectoral muscle- The ideal breast implant placement depends on the size of the breast implants, the patient's individual anatomy, the quality of breast skin and the patient's cosmetic goals.
- Implant profile: how far the implant protrudes
- Implant size or volume: size typically ranges from 120 to 850 cc
- Implant type: saline or silicone
The breast implant surgery is done by inserting implants either behind or in front of the pectoral muscle. There are various techniques of inserting the implant which are chosen by the surgeon depending on the patient's preference, type and size of the implant, shape of the body and the surgeon's expertise with the technique.
The several choices regarding the location of these incisions are:
- Inframammary Incision - The incision is placed near the crease under the breasts, slightly above where the breast and rib cage meet.
- Periareolar Incision- This incision is placed between the
- Transaxillary Incision - Incision in the armpit.
- TUBA Incision - Also known as scar less incision, this technique involves placing the implant through the belly button and taking it up to the breast thereby resulting in no incision and scar on the breast. The implants used in this technique can only be saline implants which are inflated after they reach the breast. Silicone implants which are much superior cannot be used with this technique.
Indi Cure is the most reliable medical tourism company in India that offers breast augmentation surgery in India at affordable prices. Indi Cure associates with best plastic surgeons in India who are well known for their expertise and skills. The surgery is performed at state-of-the art hospitals and clinics in India which are equipped with latest technology and infrastructure to offer seamless breast implants surgery in India. Indi Cure ensures to provide FDA approved high quality Silicone and Saline breast implants in India
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